Monday, October 29, 2012

Lost Hardy lost no longer!

Today FedEx delivered four barrels of nitrate purchased by the Library of Congress from a private collector in Suffolk, United Kingdom.  Included in the shipment was the previously thought to be lost Oliver Hardy film, AN EXPENSIVE VISIT (Lubin, 1915).  Always a good day to be able to add back onto the extant list any film, but it is always a bit more special when it features Babe Hardy.

It should be noted that the purchase was made possible due to the work of leading Laurel & Hardy solo film expert David Wyatt.  He made us aware of the potential sale, and when the deal was made he transported the films to the British Film Institute (who helped facilitate the shipment to the U.S.).

More on this title in the near future...

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Head Waiter

Thanks to the cooperation of the Filmoteca Espanola and the Eye Institute Netherlands, the Library of Congress - Packard Campus for Audio Visual Preservation will be restoring the THE HEAD WAITER which stars Larry Semon and Babe Hardy.  Released in December 1919 the film is only Babe's second appearance with Semon.  In one of those cases where things work out right it happened that the folks in Madrid had reel one while the people in Amsterdam held reel two.  Hopefully just the first in a series of such cooperative projects.